
For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life.

2019-05-03 13:43:00
 A.A. 因为如果是另外一条道路,我知道我会有怎样的感受。我们分享的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。
 B.因为如果这样的事发生在我身上,我知道我会有怎样的感受, 我们的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。
科目:0002 英语
Faced with challenges, you should believe your courage is __________ makes a difference.
——I would like you to talk about the Great Wall. ——I’m sorry, but Jack I have been there.
_______ will it take you from your school to the library?
_________ this village isn’t big, all the other villages I have visited so far are smaller.
Many people eat too many of these unhealthy snacks. But others opt for more healthy eating habits. Some even go “all natural”.
She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears now flowing hard. Her fingers shaking, as she slowly reached to get the card. Inside the card, she saw that he had written her a note.
I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough.
I often hear grown-up people say, “I could not fix my attention on the lecture or book, although I wished to do so,” and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth.
You have no idea how I felt when I had to drift about a strange city the whole day not knowing if I could find a relatively permanent place to stay.
It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and will give you no more trouble.
Even after he became famous, however, Andersen still felt like an outsider. His personal relationships caused him much pain.
The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.
在我国商代后期,出现了一种体式较为完整的公务文书,它就是( )。
能使投资方案的净现值等于零的折率,叫做( )
分别回答下列三道综合分析题: 一、已知某公司某年会计报表的有关资料如下: 要求:(1)计算杜邦财务分析体系中的下列指标(凡计算指标涉及资产负债表项目数据均按平均数计算):①所有者权益收益率;②总资产净利率(保留三位小数);③主营业务净利率;④总资产周转率(保留三位小数);⑤权益乘数。 (2)用文字列出净资产收益率与上述其他各项指标之间的关系式,并用本题数据加以验证。 二、某公司目前拥有资金2000万元,其中,长期借款800万元,年利率10%;普通股1200万元,上年支付的每股股利2元,预计股利增长率为5%,发行价格20元,目前价格也为20元,该公司计划筹集资金100万元,企业所得税率为25%,计划新的筹资方案如下: 增加长期借款100万元,借款利率上升到12%,股价下降到18元,假设公司其他条件不变。 要求:根据以上资料 (1)计算该公司筹资前加权平均资金成本。 (2)计算采用筹资方案的加权平均资金成本。 (3)用比较资金成本法确定该公司能否采用新的筹资方案。 三、 已知某公司拟于某年初用自有资金购置设备一台,需一次性投资100万元。经测算,该设备使用寿命为5年,税法亦允许按5年计提折旧;设备投入运营后每年可新增利润20万元。假定该设备接直线法折旧,预计的净残值率为5%;已知:(P/A, 10%,5)=3.7908,(P/F,10%,5)=0.6209。不考虑建设安装期和公司所得税。 要求:(l)计算使用期内各年净现金流量。 (2)计算该设备的静态投资回收期。 (3)计算该投资项目的投资利润率 (4)如果以10%作为折现率,计算其净现值。[含图片]
The antonym of “fresh” in “fresh bread” is ________.
The proof of pudding is in the eating.
(  )学习理论认为学习是学生建构自己的知识的过程,学生是信息意义的主动建构者。
为了获得家长、老师的表扬和认可而努力学习的一种需要是( )。
“零点计划”用“零”来表示研究者对( )认识的空白,同时意味着一切从零开始。
学习能力的主要成分构成为学习的基能力和( )
函授教学起源于( )

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