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以20毫升0.10mol/L Fe3 的HCl液与40毫升0.050mol/L SnCl2溶液相混合,平衡时系的电位为(已知:在1mol/L HCl 溶液中
基本反应器中,物料流况是非理想流动的反应器是( )
在测验题目的编排上,总的讲应按( )的顺序排列
Transaction changed to your telephone bill are called
5. Dear Mr.Cresswell: Than you for giving us the 1 to quote on MBC’s home, life, and disability insurance 2 . By 3 your personal 4 and financial goals, I 5 we have come up 6 a coverage plan that will provide you with 7 than adequate 8 for yourself and your family.It will also save you money over your present overage policy. I have 9 copies of the proposed plans and rates. I will call 10 the end of next week to see if you have any questions. Sincerely, Robert Martin Account Executive Enclosures 选择: Enclosed analyzing rates more opportunity Protection at needs with believe
A kinder, Gentler Net: MSN Companion Web appliances Know a grandmother who doesn’t know a URL from a UFO but still wants to e-mail the grandkids? The new MSN Companions are directed at her and people like her, folks who have no use for PCs other than to write e-mail and surf the Web . Designed for simplicity and ease of use, these home Internet appliances instantly connect to the Web when you press the power button, and they don’t take ages to boot up. The first two off the assembly line are Compaq’s iPaq Home Internet Appliance, which comes with a wireless keyboard and a sleek mini-monitor that also acts as a digital photo frame, and the e –Machines Companion($400,or free with three years of MSN service, monitor not include)
《化学中的德育和美育》是一门理论与实践相结合,集( )等多学科交叉的文化课程。
造成厌学的原因可能是( )?

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