
Explain the abbreviation B2B

2019-05-03 13:51:51
参考答案: busines...
科目:0089 专业英语
1. Please translate the following into English. 软件首次由开发者/程序员小组开发。通常,在它需要修改之前会使用一段时间。由于软件中错误的发现、规则的改变或公司本身的变化都导致软件需要经常修改。为长久使用考虑软件应该被修改。使用和修改,这两个步骤一直进行下去直到软件被废弃。“废弃”意味着因效率低下、语言过时、公司重大变化或其他因素而导致软件失去它的有效性。一些软件开发的例子就经历了这样的周期,比如:学生注册系统、账务系统、会计系统。
Explain the abbreviation PBX
white box testing
3. Please translate the following into English. 在计算机科学中,编程语言是用来编写可被计算机运行的一系列指令(计算机程序)的人工语言。与英语等自然语言相类似,编程语言具有词汇、语法和句法。然而,自然语言不适合计算机编程,因为它们能引起歧义,也就是说它们的词汇和语法结构可以用多种方式进行解释。用于计算编程的语言必须具有简单的逻辑结构,而且它们的语法、拼写和标点符号的规则必须精确。
cell phone
artificial intelligence
Explain the abbreviation WAN
A kinder, Gentler Net: MSN Companion Web appliances Know a grandmother who doesn’t know a URL from a UFO but still wants to e-mail the grandkids? The new MSN Companions are directed at her and people like her, folks who have no use for PCs other than to write e-mail and surf the Web . Designed for simplicity and ease of use, these home Internet appliances instantly connect to the Web when you press the power button, and they don’t take ages to boot up. The first two off the assembly line are Compaq’s iPaq Home Internet Appliance, which comes with a wireless keyboard and a sleek mini-monitor that also acts as a digital photo frame, and the e –Machines Companion($400,or free with three years of MSN service, monitor not include)
storage register
Explain the abbreviation LAN