
object-oriented language

2019-05-03 13:51:50
参考答案: 面向...
科目:0089 专业英语
Explain the abbreviation MSDOS
Please translate the following into English 从前的玩具仅仅必须好玩。但现在,它们必须具有足够智能才能打动今天那些爱挑剔的孩子们。即使当你考虑到机器狗不需要被人牵着走也不需要人喂食,也还是很难解释为什么人们那么喜欢它们。今年,索尼公司推出爱宝机器狗,虽然价格比某些膝上型电脑还贵,但它在不到两周的时间内就销售一空。老虎公司推出的i-Cybie可能比不上爱宝机器狗聪明,但它的价格是149.9美元,要便宜多了,而且它还更伶俐乖巧。像老虎公司的大多数互动式产品一样,i-Cybie能表现出各种 "情绪",例如恐惧,吃惊,喜悦和愤怒。最有意思的是。当i-Cybie累了的时候(即当它的电池快没电时),它会自己朝着它的充电站走去,并让自己接上插头。我们倒想看看你是否能教你原来的玩具狗这一招。
2. Please translate the following into English. 计算机不止桌面电脑和笔记本电脑。你家里的每一个角落都有计算机。比如藏在微波炉、电视机、盒式磁带录像机,DVD播放机里面的微型电脑。甚至在小汽车里面也有使其运行更好的微型电脑。
Explain the abbreviation B2C
请选择下列一个题目写一篇不低于150个词的英文短文. 1. The advantages of computer 2. How to work with computer? 3. How computers change our life? 4. My view on chat on the Internet 5. My view on computer security
A computer system includes a computer, peripheral devices, and software. The electric, electronic, and mechanical devices used for processing data are referred to as hardware. In addition to the computer itself, the term “hardware” refers to components called peripheral devices that expand the computer’s input, output, and storage capabilities. Computer hardware in and of itself does not provide a particularly useful mind tool. To be useful, a computer requires a set of instructions, called software or a computer program, which tells the computer how to perform a particular task. Computers become even more effective when connected to other computers in a network so users can share information.
5. Dear Mr.Cresswell: Than you for giving us the 1 to quote on MBC’s home, life, and disability insurance 2 . By 3 your personal 4 and financial goals, I 5 we have come up 6 a coverage plan that will provide you with 7 than adequate 8 for yourself and your family.It will also save you money over your present overage policy. I have 9 copies of the proposed plans and rates. I will call 10 the end of next week to see if you have any questions. Sincerely, Robert Martin Account Executive Enclosures 选择: Enclosed analyzing rates more opportunity Protection at needs with believe
Alibaba is only operated in China
Amazon is the first B2B company
The components of personal computer include CPU, input device, output device and memory.
Windows is a GUI-based operating system
TCP/IP protocol is the Internet protocol
分别回答以下问答题: 一、为什么发行公司债券时,会出现溢价或折价?溢价或折价是不是企业的收益或损失? 二、简述会计报表的作用。 三、企业留存收益包括哪些内容? 四、新制度中强调的会计计量属性有哪几种? 五、阐述固定资产折旧的主要方法。 六、会计基本假设包括哪些内容?分别加以阐述。 七、会计信息质量要求包括哪些内容?分别加以阐述。
我国目前企业财务法规制度,主要有以下层次( )
In the Early Modern English Period, ________ exerted the greatest influence(s) on English.
The word nice has gone through a semantic change called “generalization”.
The vocabulary of any language never remains stable; it is constantly changing.
如果要求所有进程一次性申请它所需要的全部资源,若系统有足够的资源分配给进程,便一次把所有的资源分配给该进程。但在分配时只要有一种资源要求不能满足,则资源全不分配,进程等待,这种死锁预防方法破坏了死锁产生必要条件中的 条件。
一般而言,心理测验的分数属于( )。
Please translate the following into English 从前的玩具仅仅必须好玩。但现在,它们必须具有足够智能才能打动今天那些爱挑剔的孩子们。即使当你考虑到机器狗不需要被人牵着走也不需要人喂食,也还是很难解释为什么人们那么喜欢它们。今年,索尼公司推出爱宝机器狗,虽然价格比某些膝上型电脑还贵,但它在不到两周的时间内就销售一空。老虎公司推出的i-Cybie可能比不上爱宝机器狗聪明,但它的价格是149.9美元,要便宜多了,而且它还更伶俐乖巧。像老虎公司的大多数互动式产品一样,i-Cybie能表现出各种 "情绪",例如恐惧,吃惊,喜悦和愤怒。最有意思的是。当i-Cybie累了的时候(即当它的电池快没电时),它会自己朝着它的充电站走去,并让自己接上插头。我们倒想看看你是否能教你原来的玩具狗这一招。
运用审美通感,选择填入最佳字词:溪冷泉声( )。
把所学的材料和头脑中已有的知识经验建立起内在的联系。就是要在新旧知识之间建立联系,这是知识的( )。

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